
Internal Internal cathodic protection systems are an essential component of tank storage systems in the oil and gas industry. These systems provide protection against corrosion, which is a major threat to tank integrity and can lead to leaks, environmental contamination and costly repairs. Internal cathodic protection systems work by applying…


Summary A pipeline cathodic protection system is designed to prevent corrosion and ensure the integrity of underground or submerged pipelines. Corrosion is a significant threat to pipeline infrastructure, as it can lead to leaks, structural damage and costly repairs. The cathodic protection system works by applying a direct current to…


Summary An in-plant pipeline cathodic protection system is designed to protect pipelines within an industrial facility or plant from corrosion. Corrosion poses a significant risk to the integrity and lifespan of pipelines, which can result in leaks, environmental contamination and costly repairs. The in-plant cathodic protection system works by applying…

Jetty and Ports

Summary Jetty and port piles cathodic protection system is a specialised corrosion prevention method designed to protect piles in jetties and ports from the corrosive effects of seawater. It involves the installation of anodes, typically sacrificial zinc or aluminium anodes, on the piles. These anodes sacrificially corrode over time, diverting…

Reinforcement Bars in Concrete

Summary A cathodic protection system is a corrosion prevention method used for reinforcement bars in concrete structures. It aims to protect the steel bars from corrosion, which can weaken the structure over time. There are two main types of cathodic protection systems: impressed current and galvanic (sacrificial anode) systems. In…

Bridge Shafts

Summary Cathodic protection systems for long span bridge tower shafts in seawater are crucial for preventing corrosion and ensuring the structural integrity of these vital infrastructure elements. Due to the large scale of singular steel surfaces and the deep depths involved, both galvanic and impressed current cathodic protection systems are…

Complex Structures

In case your structure is none of the listed structures, please contact us for detailed investigation. We could always come up with a design idea in any type of structure.

Site Installation Works

Aion Company’s unparalleled expertise in site installation works encompasses a vast array of projects, spanning pipelines, tank farms, jetties, bridge shafts and even the reinforcement of concrete structures with unwavering precision. While these examples merely scratch the surface of our capabilities, they reflect our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional solutions…

Pre-Design Survey

At Aion Company, we believe that exceptional cathodic protection system engineering starts with thorough pre-design surveys. Why leave anything to assumptions when you can have real, accurate data? Our dedication to providing the best results for our customers is what sets us apart. With Aion’s cutting-edge technology and expertise, we…


DCVG (Direct Current Voltage Gradient) At Aion, we offer Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG) surveys to safeguard your pipeline infrastructure. Our expert team utilises advanced techniques to assess the integrity of your pipeline coatings, ensuring protection against corrosion. With our DCVG surveys, providing you with accurate, real-time data on coating…


At Aion, we specialise in providing comprehensive supervision services for cathodic protection works. With our expert team; NACE (AMPP) Certified (Cathodic Protection Technologists – CP 3) Engineers overseeing your ongoing projects, you can be confident in the effectiveness and efficiency of your cathodic protection system. Our seasoned professionals will monitor…